Supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA an DHA omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

People with kidney disease have different nutritional needs. Learn which nutrients to supplement and which to avoid for supporting kidney health.
The kidneys are responsible for maintaining the balance of minerals such as potassium and phosphorus in the body. The kidneys are not functioning properly in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and those on dialysis. It is therefore important for kidney patients to limit their intake of certain minerals. If potassium levels in the blood become elevated, an irregular heartbeat or heart attack may ensue.1 In addition to limiting certain foods with potassium, in most cases kidney patients should not take supplements, heart vitamins or multivitamins that contain potassium. ProRenal®+D and ProRenal®+D with Omega-3 are formulated to be the most complete vitamins for kidney health.
Phosphorus is a mineral that should be limited most in patients with kidney disease. In these patients, phosphorus can build up in the blood, which can weaken bones, making them more brittle and weak. Kidney patients need to be aware of high phosphorus foods and control their intake through diet.2 It is important to monitor your phosphorus intake and talk to your physician before taking any supplements or multivitamins that contain phosphorus. ProRenal®+D and ProRenal®+D with Omega-3 are specifically formulated to not contain phosphorus.
Not all kidney patients need extra calcium. Therefore, calcium supplementation requirements should be determined individually, as advised by a physician. Supplementation can be therapeutically beneficial for some patients. People often take supplements that contain calcium, but in kidney patients, too much calcium may cause kidney stones or dangerously high blood calcium levels (hypercalcemia).3 Higher levels of calcium in the blood over time may lead to kidney damage.4 Always discuss your calcium regimen with your doctor.
Decreased levels of the trace elements, copper, zinc and selenium, are often found in patients with kidney disease and those on dialysis.5 The loss of these trace elements can result in increased oxidative stress. The National Kidney Foundation Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (KDOQI) recommends specific guidelines for supplementation of trace elements in kidney and dialysis patients. Multivitamins for kidney patients should have adequate amounts of trace minerals as delineated by the KDOQI Guidelines.6 ProRenal®+D and ProRenal®+D with Omega-3 are formulated to be complete vitamins to support your kidney health and thus have been especially formulate contain the optimal amount of trace elements.
Iron is essential for red blood cell formation and a decline in iron levels can cause anemia, or a low red blood cell count. Kidney patients, especially those who are on dialysis, cannot maintain adequate iron stores so they are at risk for developing anemia. To prevent anemia in kidney patients, the KDOQI Guidelines recommend regular iron supplementation to achieve target iron levels.7 A daily dose of iron in your multivitamin may be helpful for kidney and dialysis patients.
ProRenal®+D multivitamins are formulated by doctors to be the most complete supplements for kidney health and include appropriate amounts of iron. Trace elements and iron are included as part of a complete multivitamin, specially designed to support kidney health. Certain minerals should be limited in a kidney healthy diet so ProRenal®+D supplements never contain potassium or phosphorus. ProRenal®+D multivitamins are available in two varieties: ProRenal®+D for supporting kidney health or ProRenal®+D with Omega-3 for supporting heart health and kidney health.
Supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA an DHA omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
Vitamin D levels may be low in patients with kidney disease. Learn more about this important vitamin.
People with kidney disease have different nutritional needs. Learn which nutrients to supplement and which to avoid for supporting kidney health.
It may be beneficial to consider a daily multivitamin as part of your kidney disease nutrition plan. Talk to your healthcare provider about your specific dietary needs. National Kidney Foundation is not affiliated with and is not involved with the manufacture of ProRenal®+D products.
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