Kidney Disease – Causes, Prevention and Management
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a condition where the kidneys are impaired or damaged resulting in a loss of normal kidney function for greater than 3 months.
- When your kidneys aren’t functioning properly, dangerous levels of waste and fluids can accumulate in your body instead of being properly filtered and released as with normal kidney function.
- Complications associated with diminished kidney function may include high blood pressure, low blood count (anemia), bone disease, and heart disease.
Since patients with CKD do not process nutrients normally, many CKD patients are at high risk for poor nutritional health. A multivitamin specifically formulated for CKD patients can help supplement nutrition and support kidney health.
What are the risk factors for kidney disease?
If you can answer yes to any of these questions you may have an increased risk for kidney disease:
- Do you have diabetes?
- Do you have high blood pressure?
- Do you have a family history of chronic kidney disease?
- Do you belong to a population group that has a high rate of diabetes or high blood pressure, such as African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian, Pacific Islanders, and American Indians?
If any of these risk factors apply to you, please take the time to consult your doctor on strategies for maintaining the health of your kidneys and kidney disease treatment.
Are there dietary restrictions when you have kidney disease?
It is important to follow a kidney healthy diet when you have diminished kidney function or are at high risk for CKD.
- Certain minerals may be a problem for people with damaged kidneys.
- A low salt diet may need to be followed to help lower blood pressure and swelling.
- Potassium and Phosphorus imbalance are common in CKD patients and may need to be addressed by dietary restriction and/or medication.
- Since many kidney-friendly meals are deficient in the necessary vitamins and minerals, your dietician or physician may recommend a kidney supplement or multivitamin in your diet.
There are special considerations when choosing a kidney multivitamin:
- A kidney vitamin should contain iron for preventing anemia.
- A kidney vitamin should contain Vitamin D for supporting bone health.
- If you are concerned about heart disease which can be associated with kidney disease, omega-3 fatty acids may be helpful in your supplement to support heart health.
- A kidney vitamin should never contain Potassium or Phosphorus.